Bright and early on a Saturday morning, I met up with Jenn from work and headed off to the Sydney Good Food and Wine Show.
This was a HUGE show, with displays and stalls covering the entire floor of the Sydney Exhibition Centre! No small feat at all.
Jenn and I managed to get our tickets online, so we were in the doors early whilst other people had to wait to buy their tickets in the increasingly long lines.
The show was genuinely enormous. I was amazed by how many stalls there were and how many freebies were on offer! Food, products, drinks! Everything you could hope for was on display.
Most surprising of all was an old favourite of mine....

Bionade was finally in Australia!!!! Felix introduced me to this fantastic and all natural drink in Germany and I absolutely loved it. Now that it has an Australian distributor, it shouldn't be be too hard to get a hold of.
Now.... if only I could get my hands on German style muesli as well....
The biggest thrill of the day would come a little bit later though.
Jenn and I were wandering through the hall when we suddenly came across a large throng of people fighting to take photos of someone.

God I love watching Ramsay!!!
Somehow, we managed to push ourselves to the front of the crowd and there we were given a nice and unobstructed view of the fiery Scot in person.
It was a bit odd to see him there signing all of the books. He was so happy and calm. There wasn't even a hint of the explosiveness that I knew lurked only slightly beneath the surface.

Everywhere I wandered, there were people bustling around.
Everyone was so happy, in search of more to drink and eat.

I wasn't one to not join in and I plunged into both the food and the wine tasting as quickly as I could!
Later in the day, we went off to the "Cooking Theatre" to watching some recipes being demonstrated. Rather than pay a fortune to go to watch Gordon Ramsay, I decided that I wanted to see Ben O'Donohue. I was a fan of Ben from his days with "Surfing the Menu".

I wasn't disappointed as he demonstrated five fantastic recipes on the BBQ.

Having arrived at the Show at about 10:30am... I worked out that by the time I left (at the close of the show at 6:00pm) that I had been drinking fairly consistently for about 7 hours.

There was just so much wine.... and I wanted to try it all.....