Thursday, June 04, 2020

90s night

Everyone has been entranced with the Michael Jordan documentary "The Last Dance" lately.  With most of the world in quarantine, the binging on different documentaries and series has gone into overdrive.  It seems like there couldn't have been a more perfect time for this Michael Jordan propaganda piece to come out.  I like most others was also interested in it, so I had been following it closely.  I was a child of the 90s, so I watched the battles that Jordan had against everyone closely (though I was a Phoenix Suns fan as a kid and loved Charles Barkley).

With the final two episodes on air, a friend and I decided that we would turn this into a true "90s night".  We set up the two episodes and then we ordered out Pizza Hut pizzas.  There didn't seem like anything more 90s than Pizza Hut after all!
We didn't just get any old pizzas though.  We go one stuffed crust and one cheese bite.  Both of them were shamefully delicious.  I can't remember the last time I had eaten Pizza Hut, but it hit a spot that neither of us realised we had.  We had looked at the two pizzas in front of us and thought that there wasn't a chance we would be able to finish even one of them.  Yet as the second episode started to come on, we both looked down and realised that we had almost finished both pizzas.  Gluttony it seems knows no bounds.
By the end of the second episodes we both felt terrible.  The combination of beers and Pizza Hut left us feeling bloated.  The documentaries were good though and it was a trip down memory lane to see the Bulls playing at their peak.  Still... the pizzas were probably a mistake.

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