Friday, December 02, 2022

World Class Squash

My obsession with squash has taken off over the last few years.  It's been annoying trying to improve and progress during this time as every few steps forward have been curtailed by new restrictions of shut downs that have halted me in my tracks.  By the time things have opened up again, it has felt as though I have had to relearn what was forgotten.  Things were now changing though.  Hong Kong was feeling better and it felt like everything was finally on the right track now.  The restrictions were falling away quickly and large events were coming back to Hong Kong.  One of those big events returning was the Hong Kong Open, arguably one of the world's premiere squash tournaments.  

I had never watched professional squash in person before.  My squash obsession had led me to start following and watching it online, but this would be very different.  As I entered the darkened hall, I was immediately impressed by the speed and sound.  As much as I loved playing, I had never seen this level of play before.  Even watching the very top players in the tournaments I had been to didn't compare to this.  It wasn't really a surprise that the professionals were a step above everyone else, but it was quite amazing to see and hear it in person.
We had chosen to go for the quarter finals.  This was a good day to go since it meant there were eight games in total and each was at a high level.  The stadium itself wasn't too full either, so we were able to move around to get a view of the play at different angles.  
The last match for the day was Paul Coll against the newly minted Englishman Marwan ElShorbagy.  Watching them both play was a pleasure.  The combination and variation of shots, the speed and the skills were all on full display.  What was most striking though was the precision.  The ability for both players to just hit the line so perfectly time and time again.  It was an impressive display.

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