The next day, we all headed off on some more tours of the local area.
First stop, the hot springs!!!!
My brother leads the way as always.

After soaking it up in the hotspring, we headed to the Crystal Pool.

Amazing, deep blue waters! You could see all the way to the bottom.

Tim and I decided that any trip to a pool required a friendly game of "Catch the boulder" using a rock the size of my head that I dredged up from the pool floor.

I then proceeded to soak myself on the stream feeding the pool.

The next day, Tim and I decided to tackle the 1237 steps required to climb to the top of the Monkey Temple...
The normal time required to reach the top is 45 minutes to one hour according to our guide.
So... we slammed down some M-150s to give us a bit of a kick before heading up.

Damn the stairs were steep.....

VERY steep.....

But what a view from the top!

We managed to reach the top in under 25 minutes! My legs were aching though.... what a workout...

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