It all started out innocently enough....
Oliee wanted a birthday party that was themed with one of the most important influences of our young lives.... the Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles!
It was a simple thing as well. Everyone had to show up dressed in the COLOURS of their favourite ninja turtle.

Lurking in the background was just a taste of what was to follow as the night went on....
Oliee and Guy had decided to take the 'colours' theme a little further and where both dressed up completely as the turtles with body paint and faux shells.

Don't they look great?

.... having arrived in a blue headband, blue wrist bands, blue shirt, blue jeans and blue shoes... I didn't think that I would have to do anything... but after surprisingly little encouragement.... I became the THIRD TURTLE.

Oh God.....

The turtle theme continued on through the party into Oliee's birthday cakes.

With a bit of liquid persuasion, Matt became the FOURTH TURTLE!!!!

That's horrifying and totally rockin at the same time! Good job!
Goodness! What kind of paint did you guys use!?!? could be your colour...:)
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