I've never worked at a place that is constantly so upbeat and happy!
Little did I know that things were going to get even BETTER though.
Whilst doing a shift as an usher, I made friends with one of the girls there. It turns out that she is Venezuelan and is currently touring with the show. I was curious about this... but I didn't give it too much thought.
It turns out that she's married to one of the artists!!!!
So, a few days later Lizbeth tells me that she's arranged for me to go BACKSTAGE as a VIP for one of the performances!!!!!!!
So on Saturday, in the drizzling rain, I waited patiently at the staff gate with my brother for Lizbeth to come and get me. She came with her father-in-law, before running off to work herself.
This is me with Mr Pedro Santos, he trains his three sons. Their family are from a long line of circus performers from Spain.