It really doesn't seem even remotely possible that I have been a working schlub for almost half a year....
And yet here I find myself.
.... one of the masses.
.... another member of the great horde.
Thankfully, my position at work comes with some perks.
One of which was a nice trip to meet the other national new starters for some mid-year training.
We were all placed in a nice hotel and told to be nice to one another whilst learning how to be better at what it is we do... whatever that may be....

Three days in Cronulla.
Three days in THE SHIRE!
The first thing we did after arriving at the hotel was head off on a nice cruise around the region.

It was lovely way for us all to mingle and get in some of the sights. The sun was shining and the temperatures were up.

From our hotel room balconies, we had a stunning view of the sun setting off in the distance.
The Western Australians would later comment that these hotel rooms were particularly nice for them as they had never seen the sun rise over the ocean!

As the days' training dragged on, most of us looked forward to the night. Then we would be allowed to let loose a bit and have a bit of fun.
The local club "Northies" would be very useful in helping us achieve this goal.

.... and as the night wore on, we felt the need to protect ourselves from the paparazzi.