And yet here I find myself.
.... one of the masses.
.... another member of the great horde.
Thankfully, my position at work comes with some perks.
One of which was a nice trip to meet the other national new starters for some mid-year training.
We were all placed in a nice hotel and told to be nice to one another whilst learning how to be better at what it is we do... whatever that may be....
Three days in THE SHIRE!
The first thing we did after arriving at the hotel was head off on a nice cruise around the region.
The Western Australians would later comment that these hotel rooms were particularly nice for them as they had never seen the sun rise over the ocean!
The local club "Northies" would be very useful in helping us achieve this goal.
Gomen kudasai.
The owner of this blog has a strong personality because it reflects to the blog that he/she made.
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