We needed to visit our family before we left Asia and I needed to go and apply/request a PR ID card which I am entitled to since I was born there... the sooner I got that sorted the better.
So Tim and I hopped on the cheapest flight we could find and headed to Hong Kong.
We decided that any trip to HK would have to start off with a nice dinner at Popeye's in the terminal in Singapore. I love grape soda.

Soon enough, we were at Chek Lap Gok airport in HK.

... and almost immediately, we were both whisked to a birthday banquet dinner for my great aunt. The food was good, very good. I happily took it all in, taking more than my normal share. The perils of overeating are always close though and I suffered through it that night with what felt like stabbing pains in my stomach.

The next day, Tim and I headed off to the Immigration department. Hours of waiting were completely wasted... we were told to come back the next day. So instead we went to meet our Aunt Audrey at Times Square.

Don't you love Chinese food????

Auds told us to give her an hour while she went to have here hair done.... three hours later and we were still waiting....

Despite Tim's protests, I dragged him with me as I went to visit the Teacup Museum.

Intricate porceline, so fine that you can read the writing on the porceline through the earthenware itself.

In that time, Tim and Audrey hung out at a bar in Central.

... so freaking unfair....

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