I can completely understand why they call this city the capital of the world.
It's fast, it's hectic and it's full of energy.
I arrived after my long haul flight tired and jet-lagged. However, it was great to see Maya again.
I went to sleep early, but I was up and about immediately the next day!
And where else was I going to go!?!?!?
It's taken me years to get here!!
But finally, I was at the Tate Modern!!!!!!
Inside the main hall, was a new exhibit by the artist Doris Salcedo. 'The Crack'. A installation that ran the full length of the famed Turbine Hall.
Completely interactive and brilliantly thought out.
On a bleak and cold day, the Tate Modern looks out on the Thames ominously.
The Millenium Walk bridge.
1 comment:
You still owe me a photo of you, a yummy mummy, and an actual mummy at the British Museum.
Or a finger in a polder\dyke in the Netherlands.
It will help ease my pain at you having lost the only copy of Brown Snakes all those years ago.
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