After all.... we were there already!
We looked at the map we had and decided that based on where we were, the best direction to head would be south!
So we went to Hebron.

Whilst sitting on the bus to Hebron, Kamil mentioned to us that someone had been shot and killed by the IDF in Hebron the day before. Again.... lovely.

We continued walking through the city and eventually we reached a long and windy souq. Sadly, the souq was almost deserted. What could easily be one of the most beautiful and bustling souqs in the Middle East was nothing more than a empty side street, the only noise being the occasional yells of children and the repetitive march of IDF boots.

After a long wait and two security checks. We managed to get through.
At first, we were unsure about what the fuss was. There was nothing much to see. We were on the verge of turning around and going back to Jerusalem.
But just as we were about to walk out, an old man in the mosque motioned us to walk in further. We followed his smiling advice and continued in further.
What we found was beyond comprehension.

Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Leah, Isaac and Rebecca.

However, in the middle of the great room, was a small well.

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