First came the "Seven Sleepers". An old tomb for seven martyrs who were apparently revived. It was a little underwhelming in comparison to what we had all just seen. It was also unhelped by the widespread graffiti at the site.

After all.... a Wonder of the World!!!!
I mean, how is it possible that we could be disappointed with that?
How is it even imaginable that this place would not have at least a semblance of what was once there?

All that really remained was a single column.... that had been put up recently with the help of modern concrete.

Thankfully, we stayed there only long enough for:
Guy to push Oliee down a hill;
for Oliee to try and drag me to my death as he fell down the hill;
for Oliee to convince Guy and I to chase some geese;
for Oliee to abandon us at the first sign of trouble;
for Guy to ACTUALLY chase the geese;
for Guy to get chased by a guard dog;
for Oliee and Guy to have a foot race back to the car; and
for Guy to fall over.
All in all, a fun time for everyone.

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